A Creator Of Beauty Who Calls You His Poem
God often waits until you are done doing a mess of our lives. Then He patiently asks "Are you finished? Will you give me the brush and let Me do what only I can do with your life?" Then He has an amazing way of wiping the canvas clean and starting over - and coming up with something we never thought was possible. 2nd Corinthians 5:17 says when we are in Christ we are a "new creation" - a new masterpiece, for His glory
But what about the lingering consequences of a life gone bad? Although God forgives and forgets our sins and mistakes, I happen to believe that we dont forget them so we can use them as resources to minister to others. And there are some consequences we can't erase - but we can point to them as reminders of how God was willing to go to redeem us.
How can you be God's work of art, His poem, His masterpiece? Hand Him the canvass of your life, and the brush as well, and let him to the painting. But don't dictate to Him what your picture should look like. Instead, let Him add the colors and brushstrokes that need to be there for the final breathtaking presentation. You'll be amazed at the beauty He can bring from the ashes in your life as well.
When God Pursues a Woman's Heart
by: Cindi McMenamin
Simple Abundance: "Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart..." Ecclesiastes 3:11
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